Saturday, January 3, 2009

I have no resolution

Because I never ever stick to them.

Though this year I will say this much...20 pounds better fall off before 2010 gets here or I am going to lose it! Well they wont fall off, but I better get off my fat ass and work them off. If I can get to my goal and lose 20 pounds, then I might go for 10 more. But no more than 30. I'm not good thin, I look much better curvy. So this isn't a resolution, its a promise to myself. Or more of a threat...if I don't do it, I will kick my own butt. It's just so hard, the older you get the harder it is to lose weight. I kept weight off for 7 yrs and its back, I just love food damn it! I love to cook and do it quite often. I don't cook unhealthy food, but I do have a sweet tooth that gets me into trouble. I love to bake and for the last year now I feel like every meal should end w/chocolate. Even the smallest piece of chocolate, I just "need" it. WTF? Where did that come from? I never use to crave that crap, especially after every meal! It's horrible and I'm constantly fighting my urges and cravings. I'm totally unhappy in this body I'm walking around in. I don't feel good in my clothes, I don't want to go out, I don't want company.....I just hate it. I feel ugly. That's it! Boot camp's on at my house!

1 comment:

Collins said...

UGH! We're turning into our elders.